Treasure in Clay Newsletter
August 2009

Through God's Creation A story of enabling Ugandan Women Poverty is a dilemma shared by all in Uganda, but it burdens especially the women. Responsible for
the children and other family needs, the women must work. They work the hard soil; planting, digging and selling crops
that flood the market creating minimal demand, thus very little monetary return. Treasure in Clay
in partnership with local village pastors, is seeking a new endevour that will help these women earn the income
they need. Goat keeping is a more lucrative market in Uganda and would enable the women to take care of their families.
She will receive a goat and keep it until it produces offspring, she will then give the offspring to another lady and
so on. A goat can produce offspring twice a year with two or three kids at once. The vision is for every women in the local
church association to own a goat by the final phase of the project. There are currently 26 churches in this particular
association. The project has gotten off to a great start. We are happy to report 25 goats have been given
to women already and we await in eager expectation as we continue to watch God multiply a little to feed a lot.
Please continue to watch our prayer page for updates as we pray together. Hungry for the Word Women
receive Bibles thanks to a supporter of Treasure's work Kenyan
women partake in the bounty of the Word. Unable to access the Bible on a regular basis, these women are thankful for the donation
of Bibles that made the Scriptures so readily available. They were are also blessed with the spoken Word as JoNell was
the speaker at this women's conference held here (at the church pictured), at dktjiej ioejroi and oeijfoijdsk. Whether
it be written You
can partner with us on this project through prayer and/or monetary support.
| | | | Subject: Merry Christmas from
Treasure in Clay International
| | Treasure in Clay International... wishes you
and yours a blessed Christmas Season! That through the wonder of this holy season, our Lord Jesus Christ would be born anew in your hearts and lives!
| Living Water Joyful Hearts |  |
Our dearest friend JoNell, We are missing you, we hope God has kept you well. The Borehole is working very well the School and Church are enjoying the usage of safe and clean water, thank you dear Jonell for providing us good things, we are indeed very grateful, we always pray that God bestows upon you His blessings, that He gives you good and long life that you may continue to serve Him. Since the borehole has much water we have allowed some neighbors to come and fetch water, these neighbors have been very supportive to us during the drilling period, some of them allowed us to dump the drilling wastes in their land, because our land is a bit small, others allowed us to use the big drilling machines turn in their gardens, because they couldn't turn in our small compound. When the neighbors come to collect water we use this chance
to talk
to them about the saving grace of our lord Jesus Christ.
We also use a phrase that brother Terrell gave us recently, " The living Water" they come to collect the borehole water and we give them the message of the living water, that our lord Jesus provided.
Much love to you in Christ, Pastor Abel
and Harriet. |
Be Revived! |
I have been taken of late with the word "revive". What a powerful word.
Interestingly, in one translation of the Bible, the word is only used 20 times, nine in Psalm 119. In this Psalm, the Word of God takes
center stage in its importance in the life of the believer! Obviously, we too need to
be revived.
Psalm 85:6 asks... "Will
you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in You?" (Amplified) And, I believe the answer from our Lord is a resounding yes.
It is my prayer that our Lord would revive us once more. He is the God of
our agains. As we enjoy
this Holy Season, may His love,
His mercy, His Word and His Life dwell richly in us...may He revive within us the hope that is
ours because ...
Jesus came, He came for you and He came for
me! He was born that we might be born again! He paid a price to cancel our debt! He made a way that we might find
our way! He left His home that we might have an eternal home! What a glorious Lord
we serve!
In Him we Hope, in Him we Live and in Him we find our Being!
Be blessed,
JoNell |
| Year
in Review, Looking Ahead | 
Thanks to you, 2012 has been a tremendous
year. Due to your generosity we dedicated a new five room school house
in KabaGala, Uganda, drilled a borehole for fresh water and furnished two
meals a day for the children in that school. We
held several meetings, one day seminars and conferences
in Uganda and South Africa. We provided Leadership
Development to local leaders. We supported local
pastors. We gave pigs, vitamins, supplies and improved
a church facility. We saw people give their lives
to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, hearts renewed and refreshed as
they were encouraged in His presence and through
the Word of God. We saw healthy children, nourished
in God's love and the provision of food through Treasure. A
Christmas Party was provided at the church in KabaGala
with fun, food, festivity and gifts bundles for each family
represented. We touched lives...both with the
Gospel and through meeting physcial needs. We
have more work to do, more lives to touch, and with your
continued generosity, Treasure in Clay will be a source
of blessing in 2013. |
| We are blessed to call
you friends of this ministry. We are blessed to co-labor together to advance our Lord's Kingdom. We are blessed
beyond measure, and we thank our God in everyremembrance of you! Again...thank you! In
His Grip, JoNell Gerland Treasure in Clay International
To give,
send checks to
Treasure in Clay International P.O. Bos 925414 Houston, TX 77292-5414
Keep in Touch... 281.798.8146
Facebook Treasure in Clay International
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| Treasure in Clay International...
seeking treasure hidden in darkness
Fall 2011 |
Dreaming in the African Dream Chair...
South Africa 
Lift Your Wings...Dream Again! Recently, while in South Africa, feeling
worn and tired, the Lord brought me to a familiar portion of Scripture, and there He spoke to me in a fresh way. I was
exhausted from a long trip, lack of sleep, hectic schedule and continued cold. And so, needing strength, I returned
to Isaiah 40:31 to find encouragement. There was a phrase I'd never paid attention to before..."they shall lift their wings and
mount up (close to God) as eagles" (Amplified Bible). I had never quite recognized my responsibility to position
myself in order to "run and not be weary, walk and not faint. I was reminded once more that the lion's share is
with our Lord, but we must respond to His invitation.
In the simplicity of positioning ourselves in prayer, in purpose and by the childlike act of lifting our weary hands in trust
and surrender; somehow by the Spirit of the Living God, we breathe in fresh wind and renewed energy for the sails of our souls.
Therein we find the strength to accomplish whatever He has put before us. How good is our God!
A few days later, as if He wanted to make Himself perfectly clear,
I was given the opportunity to sit in the African Dream Chair created by the Crafters of Woza Moya at Hillcrest Aids Center.
Note the is full of surprise, possibility and purpose!
The Message paraphrases it this way..."those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles. They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind."
I believe many of us are walking around with drooping wings. We've
lost our passion, our hope and our dreams for the future. I encourage you to simply lift your hands, position yourself
to receive from Him, expect again...ask...for our Lord is not only faithful...He is Good!
Spread those wings, be lifted up today by the Holy Spirit.
Indeed, we need His and everyday!
Lifting my wings.. JoNell
Soar With
Us... Treasure
in Clay is in the midst of exciting days. We are currently building a school in Kabagala, Kinoni, Uganda. One
couple's generosity is leaving a legacy that will touch this area, this nation and beyond...for all eternity! We say thank you!! Please pray about your part -
We desire to build and equip a proper kitchen for this school. This would be housed in the building we
built earlier this year. We continue to feed 75 children two meals a day in this same
school. When first seeing the school and meeting the little ones, we encountered much malnutrition. What a joy
to see these children in much better health. The consistency of nutritional meals is making a tremendous difference.
For as little as $15 a month you can feed one child. We need help in this effort.
We hope to make three missions trips in 2012. We will hold several women's conferences and participate
in many works as the Lord opens doors. We pay for these meetings...often providing lodging and food, project costs,
gifts and supplies. You could be a participant with your presence or through finances. Make a difference through
your gifts and prayers. We continue the goat project, but now in the form of pigs!
They reproduce more quickly and in greater returns through larger litters, thus making income for the families more
immediate. For $125 you can greatly help a family. We give as the Lord
blesses us through your generosity. You should know, there are no salaries here, no overhead...we give from what is
given to us. Your money goes a long way. Our finances have been limited, but the opportunities are limitless. Please
consider a gift. Some Send...Some Go...All are Called...Be a PART!
Flight Plans - Please consider making making a
mission trip with us. They are life changing and we are by far the most blessed by being part of a team and giving out
of what God has already put in us! You don't have to figure out what you might have to give or share...I can assure
you, the Lord has already prepared in you what He has prepared you for! Just step out, lift your wings, take a deep
breath and soar with us! Thank you for your time and interest.
As always, there is more to say, more to do and much more to give. We respect your time, your interest and need
your prayers and funding to go where God is sending us. Thank you for partnering with us today! Abundant Blessings! |
| We are a fully recognized 501(c)3 organization. Your gift is
tax deductible and very much appreciated.
To give online, simply go to...
Under account codes, designate TrnClay.001
or mail your contribution to... Treasure in Clay International
B Gerland Founder
and President For more devos, go to...

Thank You from Pastor Abel in Uganda
Dearest friend sister
Jonell, words can not express how happy we are concerning, your teachings in the women conference in kabagala, kinoni uganda.
Indeed women say, they have never had in all their lives some one or some team that has ever taught them as your team did,
we dont write this to please you, but this is the actual truth of the matter. May God continue to use you to expand His kingdom
through your teachings, not only in uganda but through out the world. Thank you so much for your Godly love for us, we also
promise to love you our dear friends. Convey our heartfelt thanks to sister Linda, Mary and the two gentle men. Tell the two
gentle men that the children are happilly taking their lessons in their repaired class room, they no longer have the problem
of the dust that was dirtening their clothes, they can now keep their clothes clean because of their cemented floor. The children
and their teachers had a special time to thank God for their repaired classroom, it was a wonderful time to hear these little
children singing and thanking God for what he has done for them, they mentioned to God how wonderful it is to see God feeding
them in such a special way in their feeding programm. Dear jonell we dearly love you. In Christ, pastor Abel and Harriet. |

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| Subject: We can make a difference together
I would have to say this statement is at the heart
of all we do. The expression of this starts with us, those who represent Treasure, as well as those we seek to serve. Our
heart has always been to take His Kingdom to a lost and hurting world, not to build a ministry. Along the way, our Lord has
amazed us with opportunity and your continued generosity.
Throughout the years we have built homes, supported
families of martyrs, educated children, fed children, built schools, bought land, helped build a church and drilled a well
where villagers can come for fresh water (and hear about the Living Water offered in Jesus).
We've furnished pastors with much
needed dependable vehicles, supported pastors and their ministries. We've held countless conferences, leadership development
seminars and family conferences.
However, that is not to brag on what we have done, but the faithfulness
of our Lord Who encouraged and provided along the way. He has simply taken our breath away with His goodness...through you!
Thank you.
I remember being in Uganda and meeting 25 little malnourished children in a small make-shift room called a school.
Our hearts were touched and we furnished uniforms and decided to endeavor to provide meals. Next we were challenged with the
possibility of building a school to meet the growing needs. And now, ten years later we have built two schools and feed 450
students there two meals a day while in school. They are healthy and well educated! Since that time we have taken up two other feeding
programs, replaced a school and now feed approximately 625 children a day in three works. Thank you!
But...the underlying
desire of our ministry is to establish and empower the people of the land, whatever land we are serving, to be the ministers
of the Gospel. We are seeing this happen and it thrills me to my toes!
We have had the privilege of ministering in at least
25 nations and are continually awed by the hunger for the Word, the fruit produced by His message and the new doors that continue
to open. Thank you!
I could go on and on, but I won't. I just want to say again, thank you! As I sit at this computer
thinking of all the ways the Lord has moved, His faithfulness and your generosity I am overwhelmed.
Doors are open, the Message is
needed, leaders are hungry, children continue to need food, homes need to be built, Bibles are requested...all this and more.
Please consider what you might do, both in prayer and giving.
Thank you does not touch what my heart feels, but remember
I thank my God in every remembrance of you!
We hope you enjoy the video (below) from our last visit to Uganda. Jane Champion did an outstanding job of capturing
some of what we see along the way as well as one of the schools, the children and feeding program and snippets from the women's
conference! It captures so much joy, both from our hearts and theirs!
We plan to be back in Uganda in June. The work continues! |
Treasure in Clay is a fully recognized
501(c)3 If you
prefer to send a check, Make checks payable to Treasure in Clay |
| Subject: Merry Christmas to you and yours
O What a Night!
They seemed a simple couple, It seemed
an ordinary manger, He seemed a normal babe... Yet, in an instant, everything changed. Hope
was born. Peace was possible. Love was wrapped in a blanket, And the world slept!
"And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us! He's the One! Set your hearts on Him! And
from Him we receive grace heaped upon more grace!" (Taken from the Passion Translation,
John 1:14-16)
As we move into the busyness of this Christmas season, let
us take the time to once again set our hearts on Him...Jesus Christ the Lord! With the wonder of a child, let us again awaken
to the absolute joy that this Savior laid down Heaven's glory to come to us. He came for you, He came for me!
O What a Savior! |
Dear Ones,
As I ponder over the last year, I am so very grateful for your faithfulness in prayer, in giving
and encouragement. Much has been accomplished. JESUS is being proclaimed! The Kingdom has been advanced, the Gospel has been shared, lives and communities
have been transformed, churches revived and renewed, children are being fed, homes are being built, Bibles have been given,
leaders are being developed...and so much more. You have been a part of it all. Thank you. Through your generosity the Lord
has supplied and will continue to supply. I just want to say I am grateful!
Merriest of Christmases to you and yours, JoNell
Treasure in Clay International or |
Treasure in Clay... seeking treasure hidden in darkness |
2018 has been a wonderful year. We enjoyed a fabulous trip to Uganda this spring and were encouraged
by the progress in KabaGala and Kinoni. Below is an excerpt from a letter written to us from the Youth Ministry.
"As we express our gratitude we must
never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. This year yields it's harvest having
abundant blessings that our loving Father has granted us. We had one cow after our piggly project (this effort failed in the
beginning) but from the support we got from you, we were enabled by God to have another cow and now we have two cows, of which
we hope they are to conceive before this year ends. We also started a small credit and saving sacco (micro lending) within
our group which have given us chance of taking (I believe they mean giving) loans with a very little interest and this has
helped some friends in groups to own plots of land, building houses and others starting businesses like Boda Boda riding (this
is a motorcycle taxi service).
We also launched missions to our neighbouring churches that were planted by our mother church KabaGala Baptist under
Pastor Abel, teaching the Scripture in it's truthfulness encouraging our fellow leaders...we have reached Kiselaka...Kabalungi
Baptist Church. We now have weekly discipleship classes in all those churches.
We are pleased to say Thank You. We commit ourselves to serve God whether we
have less or more. We will always thank God our Creator..."
As I read this letter, I am encouraged by their tenacity and am reminded
of the story from the fifth chapter of Luke. The fisherman had fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus stepped up to the
shore as they were cleaning their nets after a disappointing night of fishing. He asked if He could use one of their boats.
Peter settled him in his boat and pushed a short distance from shore. After Jesus finished addressing the crowd, He urged
Peter to push into the deep, put down the nets and try again. Peter was clearly taken with what he had seen and heard from
the Master but told Him they had fished all night to no avail. "...but at Your word I will (do as you said and) lower
the nets (again)." (Amp) We know the rest of the story. The nets were not just full, but almost breaking.
Again ...what a powerful word. Look through the Scriptures and
see how often our Lord says again. He is the Lord of our "agains" and is never short on new chances, beginnings
or seasons. Where might He be challenging you? If He is, embrace a fresh start. Their obedience not only produced a tremendous
catch, it changed the course of their lives forever. It just might yours! Try again!
We held a conference in a new location.
It was well attended and the response to the Gospel was such an encouragement. It was attended by leaders from different denominations.
The group was attentive and a blessing to us!
We continue to hold a one day leadership development day while in the area. The group has grown
and is flourishing. These brothers and sisters can teach us so much about commitment and perseverance. We received reports,
lifted each other up and treated them to a great meal at the hotel where we stay. It is a blessing for them, and delights
our hearts to fellowship with our family there.
Ongoing projects and updates...
We continue three feeding projects, two in Uganda and one in Kenya. As of our last report, the number
served five days a week is now close to 700 students. We praise God for your ongoing generosity! Without you, many of these
children would have only one or two meals a week. Thank you...
Treasure was able to help purchase a newer vehicle for Pastor Abel. This is the second time we have been
able to help a pastor in this regard. This is such a blessing to them as they are on the road serving many congregations;
delivering the Gospel, supplies, goods and much needed food.
Four more Homes for Hope have been built. This is one of our favorite outreach projects as it not only provides
a home for a needy family, it becomes a lighthouse/Bible Study in the village. Lives are being impacted in a tremendous way
through this effort.
The work is continuing
in Kumi, Uganda. The conference center is well under way. Some 100 homeless children and teens are being housed and fed. There
are outreaches every Saturday to the village. The vision to begin a Bible/Vocational center is being launched.
There are other endeavors ongoing and in the works, but we wanted
to give you highlights of the year so far. We so appreciate your faithfulness!
A small group will return to Kenya in September. We have another extraordinary opportunity to reach
God's people with encouragement, equipping believers through the Word of God. As we work with established leadership from
different denominations, the Church (not a building) is empowered to do the work of the Kingdom. Christians, in this area
are in the vast minority. It is our hope to furnish Bibles to this group. Many leaders do not have their own Bible. The cost
of one Bible is approximately $15.
would ask you to continue in prayer for Treasure. We count on that support first and foremost.
Needs always arise and we give into the lives of God's people and
Kingdom efforts where we can. Thank you for helping us make this happen!
Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing,
JoNell B Gerland
in Clay is a fully recognized 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible and go directly into the work of the
overhead, no percentage taken. You can easily donate through the Donate button at
the bottom of this newsletter or send your gift to:
Treasure in Clay PO Box 925414 Houston, TX 77292 or 10560 St John Dr Iola,
TX 77861 |
| Dear JoNell Gerland, Your campaign 'Merry Christmas!' was
sent on 12/12/2017 around 8:30 AM EST. Below is a copy of the message your subscribers received.
See how your campaign is doing by visiting Reports in your account to get real-time results and stats. |
| | Subject: Merry Christmas!
As we move from the season of Thanksgiving into Christmas, we are so grateful for you, the year you've
made possible through your generosity in prayer and giving. We also look forward to the season of Advent with expectancy. New
beginnings were made possible through the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We pray we all come to the manger with renewed
wonder as the age old story takes fresh root and meaning in our hearts and lives. Oh what a Savior!!
"For unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and
the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end..." Isaiah 9:6-7a(Amplified)
Does peace rule in your life
today? Colossians 3:15 (Amplified) says that we are to let the peace from Christ rule or act as an umpire continually
in our hearts. This seems to be a difficult assignment in our day. But, my friends, if He said it, it is possible. I
am praying that now and in the year to come we let the Prince of Peace once more make our hearts His home...not just visitation
but habitation. Let this become a defining characteristic in us as His children. The world would take notice!
May the peace of Christ rule and reign in our hearts, our homes
and our families this holy season...Merry Christmas!
JoNell |
Kenya... Our trip was powerful. We saw God move in amazing ways. We
knew His presence and His joy in our time together. We gave away 150 Bibles to Catholic leadership represented in two
one day conferences. The response to the simplicity of the Gospel was tremendous. Lives were changed as God encouraged
His people. We've been invited back! Our God is so full of surprises! |
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Thank you BCH...
Your gifts of baseball caps and ties were a tremendous hit! The
people loved them. It was as if Christmas had come to town early. We watched women and men walking away laughing
wearing hats from one and ties from the other. The smiles were contagious! |
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| Our Lord met us!
The picture to the left is from our Sunday church service. We met in a beautiful church with eight
churches represented. We were privileged to teach Sunday School and then preach in the main service. What you see
is a snapshot of God's powerful presence among us. As we prayed, before giving an invitation to respond, people began
to come to the altar and fall on their faces, weeping and praying. There was an awesome silence as we left that day,
absolutely overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness as He worked among us.
This church was in the middle of nowhere, possibly close to the ends of the earth...or, as they
say, we could probably see it from there. But, we would not have chosen to be anywhere else that day. God came and
He took our breath away!
Your generosity
helped paved the way for this day. Thank you! |
Jolly Kids School
We hope you enjoy this short video from these beautiful children. They met us with great joy and multiple
songs, this is just one! So precious. We continue to feed them one meal a day. They are so much healthier than
when we began this three years ago. In a picture below you will see some of them in their new uniforms. Many times
these are their only clothes. Thank you!
We are now investing in three school
feeding programs. We continue with KabaGala in partnership with the school and the church there. The first class
we met all those years back has now graduated. How thankful we are for being part of their lives.
We also help with a feeding program in KumiTown. The children, mostly orphans are being trained and educated for
a better future. They are given a safe place to lay their heads at night! And, they are hearing the Gospel!
How great is our God! |
Unseen blessings...
One never knows...this
picture represents one of our favorite and most poignant memories. As we had the privilege of washing Father Evans, the
Bishop's feet and prayed for him, God touched him deeply. He later addressed the group and spoke of just how affected
he was by the Spirit of God as we prayed "those lovely words". He added that he had been so very blessed by
Treasure's ministry. We had not come to change them, but to make them better Catholics. What a blessing. Within
a month of our return we were given the sad news that this dear man of God was killed for standing up against the "powers
that be" in that country. He was a brave man, he was a brother. We grieve with the people there who lost a
powerful and Godly leader. |
And so, we thank you, we bless you and wish you Merry Christmas!
God has done great things this year, and you have done your part. We anticipate another fruitful
year in 2018. We desire to continue the feeding programs, encourage the saints and equip God's people to minister in His name
in whatever corner of the world they may be. We are all the ministers of the Gospel. May 2018 be the year we each step
into the reality of His peace with a fresh love for our Lord and for His people!
Blessings in abundance,
JoNell B Gerland
p.s. don't
they look so cute in their new uniforms provided by your giving! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We are a fully recognized 501(c)3, any gift you make will be tax deductible. As
always, we take no overhead, any gift you give will go toward the ministry!
Make checks payable to Treasure in Clay, send to: or
or use our Donate Now page through WePay! Thank you!
Treasure in Clay International |
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| Dear JoNell Gerland, Your
campaign 'Update from Treasure in Clay' was sent on 8/15/2017 around 4:16 PM EDT. Below
is a copy of the message your subscribers received. See how your campaign is doing by visiting Reports in your account to get real-time results and stats. |
| | Subject: Update from Treasure in
 |  | |
...seeking treasure hidden in darkness |
| Summer, for me, has always been a time for reflection.
It is a time to look back with a grateful heart. It is also a time to look forward with a heart of expectancy.
That's exactly where we find ourselves at Treasure in Clay.
As we ponder this past year we are amazed at
what the Lord has done. We spent a week in Uganda in late spring. We again visited our dear friends in KabaGala.
What a picture of transformation. We were both excited and amazed at the progress the village has made since 2009,
when on our first visit, we found a small plot of land with a church and a building ready to collapse which housed 25 malnourished
little ones in a fledgling school.
Our hearts were touched from day one and sensed there was something unique about
this place, it's people and the land. We wanted to be a part of investing in it's future. Who knew what could
happen in just eight short years? We certainly did not.
We determined to feed the children (two meals a day)
and made plans to make the small school room more permanent on our next visit, which we did (it is now being used as the kitchen
for the school). Our second trip we decided to step out in faith hopeful to raise funds to build a school. And...that
was just a beginning. We continue to be amazed and blessed by what the Lord has done. And, He's done it through
people like you!
As we have continued in partnership, these are some of the things we've seen in just KabaGala.
Built a block of rooms with a school office. Purchased more land and
built new latrines. Added a bore hole for fresh and clean water for school and surrounding village. Added a playground. A new thatched open air hut for meetings, prayer, etc. Built another wing to the school to accommodate the 325 students in attendance. Continue
to feed the children two meals a day. Provide children's multivitamins which has dramatically improved
their health. Purchased uniforms for children in need. Truly, what
you see is words trying to explain what God has done...they are inadequate! I am attaching a video taken by a first-time
attendee of what was encountered as we drove into the property at the end of the road. For those of who've been with
this group multiple times, all I can say is, it took our breath away.
blessed, you are a blessing...
The work goes on, The Word is
spread and the Kingdom of God is advancing. |
Treasure in Clay International
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| Dear JoNell Gerland, Your
campaign 'Treasure in Clay International ~ JoNell's Update' was sent on 11/2/2016 around 10:03
AM EDT. Below is a copy of the message your subscribers received. See how your campaign is doing
by visiting Reports in your account to get real-time results and stats. |
| | Subject: Treasure in Clay International
~ JoNell's Update
 |  | | Dear Friends,
Thank you so very much for
your prayers, gifts and support! Our recent trip to Kenya was exceptional in all ways. We felt your prayers carrying
us through our days, ministry and outreach. The fruitfulness of the trip was phenomenal and is continuing. You
are part of all that has happened through the ministry of Treasure in Clay. Please click on the video below to see a
portion of the difference we are making. Bless you!! We appreciate you! |
Every Picture Does Indeed Tell a Story!
We hope you enjoy this simple photo book. It is just a sampling of the multifaceted
work Treasure does. There is a story behind every picture and each one brings a smile to our faces. We hope it
does to yours as well because you are part of it!
Living Large...Just Give Me Jesus
Until Next Time... the Work Continues!
A Look Forward...Be a Part of the Future! |
As we look to the future, the doors are wide open. We
will continue to work alongside the local church to encourage, equip, establish and empower local leadership. Our desire
is to share the Gospel message in clarity as well as applicable ways...we desire to see the written Word become the Living
Word...individually and corporately.
We have added another school-feeding program in Kumi, Uganda (making
three). We will now be feeding around 600 children a month.
We hope to provide Christmas parties for
each group. These are outreaches to the families. While it is a celebration with gifts and food, it is also a powerful
platform to share the Gospel with the villages represented.
We have been invited to provide a conference for
Catholic leadership in the areas near Kisumu, Kenya. They have heard of the work we are doing with other groups, seeing
the fruit; and want to participate in what God is doing...amazing!
are partnering with three dear brothers (calling themselves East Africa Treasure in Clay) to encourage the synergy we see
in their leadership. They are each Kingdom-minded visionaries bringing different giftings to the table. They will
indeed impact East Africa.
Bibles are always a need! Our goal is to provide at least 100. Our
last conference was with a group who, up to that time, were not given access to the Scriptures. They are now being encouraged
to have their own Bibles and to read them...even the women! What a joy!!
There are at least three mission
trips in the works for 2017. We covet your prayers, your support, and even your participation, should the Lord be tugging
at your heart.
JoNell B Gerland Treasure in Clay International Make checks payable to Treasure in Clay or Give online
through WePay
Treasure in Clay is a fully recognized 501(c)3.
Your gift is tax deductible and the entirety of the gift will go to the work. We have no overhead. From
day one our hope has been to build the Kingdom of God...not a ministry! Be a part! Thank you so much for your
attention and continued support! |
Treasure in Clay International
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Dear JoNell Gerland, Your campaign 'Check out the latest from Treasure
in Clay International' was sent on 7/19/2016 around 10:01 AM EDT. Below is a copy
of the message your subscribers received. See how your campaign is doing by visiting Reports in your account to get real-time results and stats. | Subject: Check out the
latest from Treasure in Clay International
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...seeking treasure hidden in darkness |
Indeed, pictures are powerful! They capture a moment in
time, an emotion, a beautiful face, a life, a hope, a dream and sometimes pain and heartbreak This letter is simply
to allow you in to a few of those moments Treasure has experienced in the last months. We want you to have a glimpse
at the difference you've made through your prayers and gifts. The needs and opportunities are ongoing. We thank you
for your continued generosity!
The new school addition is almost complete.
What a story here! We were introduced to 25 malnourished, but greatly loved
children eight years ago while doing our first conference in KabaGala, Uganda. What was a tumble down structure has
grown to a permanent structure used for the kitchen (taken in from the outside and the elements). Two new schools house
almost 300 students. The students are now able to finish their public education in this school. Some will be able
to go on to higher education, but this will ensure all can continue their studies in a Christian environment. By God's
grace and your gifts we are still feeding these children (in partnership with KabaGala Church) two meals a day. Amazing!! |
Jolly Kids Nursery School is
a new project we took on last year while in Kenya. We met 105 orphaned children who were meeting five days a week in
a church in a very poor area outside of Kisumu. A Volunteer staff teaches and cooks for them. They are excellent brothers
and sisters. The children were happy and so obviously loved learning. They were receiving three meals A WEEK.
We determined we could do better. They now are being provided FIVE meals through your generosity. And, we
are told these are their only meals during the week. It is noteworthy to mention that when these children lined up for
their meal, not one pushed, no one broke in line and they even shared as they sat together eating.
We could see the school/church was on its last leg and appeared a bit dangerous. A few weeks after our
return it crumpled under high winds. Through a gift we were able to rebuild the church into a more permanent structure.
We now feed a hundred or so children. Your gifts make this possible. Not only do the children have a safe place
to gather and learn, be nourished and loved, the congregation has a new and safe structure to gather and worship in. When
the Lord opens a door to this kind of opportunity, we desire to continue to walk through. $450 a month is feeding these
children. $2500 built a church. The pastor there has become a dear brother and friend...pray for them and consider
being a part of blessing this work.
new Home for Hope going
up in Kenya. These homes are built to shelter families who
are virtually homeless or whose homes are in such ill repair they are dangerous. They are built within a couple of days
and then dedicated as a lighthouse in the village. The village is invited to the dedication of the home and a Bible
is presented to the family. A pastor (who has identified the need and potential) holds a Bible Study there in the home weekly.
After a time leadership is identified and it becomes a home church with continued care and oversight from the Pastor!
What an opportunity to affect change within a community. For $500 you can build one.
The work goes on, The Word is spread and the Kingdom of God is advancing. |
We continue to see fabulous opportunities to take the Gospel to the world... Years ago I was told when founding Treasure, with virtually nothing
but a vision, that while the people we served would love our hugs, it would be our money they would want. I was reminded
of Peter and John who told the begging lame man they had no money, but what they had they would give. In truth the Gospel
was their treasure and they willingly gave. Through these
years I have discovered that missions is costly to all involved, but as a friend of mine says, "the pay is good."
Every time we see a response to the Gospel, a soul saved, a healing manifest, a life changed, hope restored, a village
renewed, a child fed, a smiling face, a full belly...every time, I am grateful. Indeed, the pay is good! I have also discovered that yes, people do respond to love, but
they also need our help. The Gospel changes lives, families, villages...their environment. Funds are needed and go a
long way in these nations, our little makes a huge difference; however, it is the Gospel that
is the foundation, the change agent and the vehicle that truly transforms lives and ultimately nations.
************************************************************************************************************* Some highlights you have participated in... - Helped a pastor purchase a new vehicle. He needs reliable
transport to take teams, resources and relief to his nation's most needy and unreached. - Purchased a boda-boda (aka motorcycle) to increase the effectiveness of a farmer/businessman.
With greater income and mobility he is helping furnish vegetables to families in need. - 100 Pastors now have Bibles of their own - 500 Gospels of John are being studied in various
churches - 7 Homes for Hope - 275 Students and Families had a Christmas party and given food supplies - Vitamins were distributed to KabaGala students - School uniforms were furnished for Jolly Kids Nursery School - A pastor who earns his living as a tailor was furnished with his own sewing
machine - Three conferences were held - Leadership Development continues
And the needs and opportunities continue. We will be back in Kenya this year reaching out to a group who has never
had a conference, in need of a clear Gospel call and hungry for the Word of God.
We will meet with three Christian ministries to pray, explore and make plans for the future, their needs, their hopes...their
vision... in order to come alongside them to see their nations grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
appreciate your prayers, your gifts, your encouragement! Thank you!!
Treasure in Clay International
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Subject: Merry Christmas from Treasure in Clay
  | Wishing
you and yours a very Merry Christmas! |
Be the light...
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light...For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:2a, 6 NKJ
"Arise shine; for your light HAS come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon YOU. For behold,
the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory shall be
seen upon you. Isaiah 60:1-2 NKJ Emphasis mine
Our light has come, He lives
within us! Consider that today. Be His light in this broken and darkened world. Stand out because you are
Be are a blessing,
This precious
girl is one of the children in the church school in Kenya. 105 orphans attend the school and are fed there. These
are the only meals the children receive. They never push or shove, but wait for their turn and will even share if someone
needs much to learn from them.
you for another wonderful year. Through your generosity Treasure has been privileged this year to continue to touch
lives in many are a just a few:
We continue to feed 250 children in KabaGala two meals a day.
- We are currently building a new facility at the school in KabaGala to house
upper grades.
- We have held several conferences and leadership development seminars
in both Uganda and Kenya.
- Completed and dedicated the church in Kinoni, Uganda.
- Built three Houses for Hope in Kenya.
- Taken on feeding 105 orphans in Kenya.
- Funded transport for a farmer.
Provided school uniforms for the orphans.
- Rebuilding
now a collapsed church in Kenya.
- Provided 100
Bibles for leadership in Kenya.
- Photographed
school children and their families, leaving lasting memories.
- and much, much more...
still exist to help with the ongoing feeding of the children in both Uganda and Kenya.
We want to continue to build Houses for Hope in Kenya. These are built as lighthouses within
a village. The family chosen for the new home is in need of a hand up and agrees that it will be a home church.
Pastors will work with them to establish a Bible Study and identify a perspective leader. Within six months they are
on their way to becoming an outreach within the community. They are given a new home, a Bible and a new beginning. What
a fabulous way to reach people. As the Message translation states...Jesus became flesh and blood and moved into the
neighborhood! This is exactly what they are doing and we are honored to be part of this movement. For a gift of
$400, you can build one of these homes.
God has been so faithful and enabled
us to do so much more than we could have ever imagined, but it would not happen without your thank you, thank
you, thank you!
The vision of Treasure in Clay has never wavered. We are here, not to build
a ministry, but the Kingdom. We reach out to serve and walk alongside local churches. Our hope is to help identify,
equip and encourage leadership to be ministers in their nations. They are often hidden in the pew, not realizing their
potential or portion in sharing the Gospel. It is both a joy and a privilege to see what the Lord is doing. God
is giving creative ideas to His people and they are doing the work in amazing ways. We are blessed to have a small part
in it!
2016 offers several opportunities. We are praying for wisdom,
timing and funds to meet the needs as they present themselves. We count on and are grateful for your prayers and generosity.
Thank you for all you've done to make 2015 one of our most effective years and for all you will do to make the future
bright... as we, together continue and seek to...
************************************************* Treasure in Clay International
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Subject: Summer 2015
  | Every picture tells a story! This
one certainly does. Thank you for your continued support through prayer and resources. What a blessing you have
Greetings... and blessings to you this summer! I hope this finds you well
and enjoying the goodness of the Lord. How faithful He is.
Continually I am reminded that this faithfulness, His, is the bedrock to all we stand on! No matter your circumstance,
no matter the season, no matter your fears; remember, He is with you, He is true, He is faithful!
I've been pondering the story of Lazarus. We are all familiar with
it, but sometimes it is a good thing to think an old story through with a new filter.
Jesus was summoned by Mary and Martha whom
He loved dearly. Their beloved brother, Lazarus, was ill. Now Jesus cared deeply for this family, and yet He chose to
pause on purpose. Puzzling. Before He leaves to be with them Lazarus dies. Mary and Martha are left to wonder
why Jesus did not come to them in time. They are grieving when Jesus arrives. They knew He could have healed Lazurus,
they expected He would. Healing was all they knew to ask for. And yes, He could have healed Lazarus, that is a certainty.
However, He wanted to do more than they knew to ask for. Jesus wanted to reveal resurrection power.
Where have you prayed expecting a certain outcome only to find
yourself waiting, grieving, even giving up? Could it be He wants to do more for you than you know how to ask? Choose
trust. Choose to wait and watch. This Lord we love is faithful and better than we believe...and certainly better than
any of us deserve.
And last, remember, you
are His treasure and He loves you dearly!
Be blessed,
you are appreciated...
We've had a great year. It is with
great expectancy we are returning to Kenya where we will hold several conferences. We are thrilled to be going back
to this land and to co-labor alongside our dear sisters and brothers in Christ! Please keep us in your prayers.
Click on link below to watch this year's video produced by Jane
Champion. It says more than I could ever relate in writing. Our theme this year in Uganda was Every Picture Tells
a Story...indeed it does!
| Password: uganda
Should you wish to give, contact us, or request prayer; we'd be happy to hear from you.
See contact information below.
Treasure in Clay was founded in 2001. We have taken the Gospel and strengthened
the body of Christ in twenty nations. We have no overhead, every penny you give makes a difference. Should you
want to touch the nations of the world with the love of Jesus Christ, please consider a gift. It will go a long way!!
A Few Opportunities -
School-feeding program - KabaGala ($15 a month per child)
Teacher salaries ($15 a month)
Furnishings for new church in Kinoni
Fund - Goes to conference expenses (we house, feed
and often transport attendees), Needs as they arise,
and Taking the Gospel to the Nations. |
Treasure in Clay International
We are a registered 501(c)3 |
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Enjoy some of our past newsletters.

| Treasure in Clay International
...seeking treasure hidden in darkness |
Greetings! I've recently been thinking on the wonder of the Lord's attention
to detail. We see such clear evidence of this in scripture. Just consider the story of His feeding the five thousand.
Not only was He able to take a simple picnic lunch and turn it into a massive feeding program, He was concerned that
the disciples pick up the "scraps". And interestingly, there was a basketful for all twelve to ponder. He
could have left those broken pieces, but He wanted them gathered...picked up. There would be use for them down the road.
He wanted the disciples to see what He could do with what was simply on hand. It was through His hand and by His
touch that it became more than enough. It is the same with our lives.
First of all, He takes what is available. He blesses it, breaks it in order to multiply
it and gives it out. Then, He even picks up the leftovers for His use. Pieces we think of no
value, even broken bits that have been thrown aside, He can use if we simply let Him have unhindered access to the life
we've lived and are living today.
So, if you feel broken in any way, cast aside or overlooked, be of good cheer;
He is paying attention and will pick up every scrap of your life for His good purpose. While He is working in
you, He can work through you. You may never know it, but people are paying attention to see just how we, as God's children,
live out our life's journey. So, let Him have it all...
In His Hand, JoNell |
Thank You...
Because of you, your continued generosity, precious children are enjoying
a new school, new desks, supplies, uniforms, good food, clean water and now a new latrine. We are grateful.
work continues, we have many opportunities to touch lives...
~ We hope to buy land for a new church plant in Kinoni Village.
~ We still feed these children
two meals a day. The numbers grow and the need
is ongoing.
We offer spiritual nourishment through leadership development, conferences and ministry. We pay for
food, housing and supplies for each outreach while
working alongside the established ministry and leadership
in each nation.
~ And much, much more as opportunities arise on the field.
Please pray for our team leaving shortly
for Uganda. We will be serving the people there through two conferences in Kampala and Kumi. Our theme will be
... Living With Eternal Purpose.
appreciate your prayers and continued support... |
About Treasure in Clay International...
In an effort to reach into dark places of the world through missions, we formed the ministry
Treasure in Clay. Since 2001 we have been in at least twenty nations and continue to work to make life better through
the Word of God, ministry, leadership development, encouragement, physical and emotional support as well as education, building
projects and feeding programs as the Lord opens doors. Our desire is to give what is eternal through the Gospel and augment it through relief and development work
as the Lord provides. We are blessed and grateful...actually, we are in awe of all the Lord has done! The Lord made known to me early on that we would go to
places few would be willing to go, reaching out to the outcast, forgotten and hurting of the world. He has been faithful.
And, it is our privilege. Someone
told me once that people would like our hugs, but really just wanted our money. I have been blessed to find that people
most want relationship, and few have ever asked for money. Out of continued relationship with the people we serve and
serve alongside, we have made a difference. You are part of that.
Be Blessed, JoNell B Gerland Founder and President |
| Jesus took the bread, He blessed it,
He broke it, He gave it...He made himself known in the breaking of the bread! |
From Our Last Journey
Children at KabaGala Church and KabaGala School
enjoying the new well! Terrell dedicating well...what a joy! Children, eagerly await us, eager to learn! A thing of beauty! These pictures say it all. There is a continuous stream of people
from the surrounding area to pump fresh, clean water. They also are hearing about the Living Water...Jesus Christ our
Lord. You made this happen! ~ Pastor
Abel has started a mission church in Kinoni Village. This is a larger area and they have already outgrown the room they
were meeting in. It is our desire to purchase land in order to put up a tent to hold meetings in as they continue to
reach out to their world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. We estimate the costs for land and tent to be $7-10,000. ~ The school was required to move the latrines in order to remain open. We have purchased land and are
in the process of putting in five latrines (they only had two). This has been paid for, but has left our resources low.
Any gift you make will be so appreciated and will go toward the ongoing work in Uganda. We take no percentage,
it goes straight to the mission.
We thank you ahead
of time! ~ Please make checks payable to Treasure in Clay We are a fully recognized 501(c)3 and your gift is tax deductible. 77292-5414 Feel
free to contact us... See...
Or... visit us on Facebook |
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